Successful recertification of AMF as per ISO 9001:2015
Certificates are valid up until 2021
AMF has completed the conducted recertification process successfully for the seventh time. In the concluding discussion, the auditors approved us with a well-functioning quality management system which has undergone positive further development since the last recertification.

With our recertification, we have proven that the conformity of our quality management system with the standard ISO 9001:2015 continues to be satisfied.
We therefore provide our customers with the assurance that, in addition to the renowned AMF product quality, our processes and organisation meet international quality standards and are continuously improved.
Our quality management system was certified to ISO 9001 for the first time back in 1997. Regular system audits in the subsequent years were also passed without any discrepancies in each instance.
The certification applies to the areas of development, production and sales of all our products and is valid up until July 2021.