AMF honored as TOP COMPANY 2024

We have been awarded the coveted "TOP COMPANY 2024" seal by Kununu. After being named TOP COMPANY 2022 and TOP COMPANY 2023, we are delighted to receive the award again this year. This means that we continue to be one of the exclusive five percent of the most popular employers that Kununu honors annually with the Top Company seal.

Since 2015,, Europe's largest platform for employer reviews, has been awarding this seal of approval to companies that have received particularly positive reviews.

Criteria such as corporate culture, work-life balance and working atmosphere are assessed here. Our employees rated the diversity, corporate culture, career opportunities and salary packages as particularly positive. They were also impressed by the flexible working hours, health measures, company pension scheme and our own company restaurant as outstanding benefits. With an average rating of 4.2 stars, we are well above the industry average in the mechanical engineering sector (3.6 points).

We are very proud of that. A strong community and friendly colleagues form the basis of our success. Our employees are very important to us. That is why we are particularly pleased to receive this award, which is based on their evaluations.
