Nouveau showroom mobile « Andreas »
L'innovation dans la technique de bridage directement chez les utilisateurs
Andreas Maier GmbH & Co. KG (AMF) a lancé un nouveau concept de présentation itinérante « Andreas arrive » et souhaite ainsi aller rendre visite à ses clients et aux entreprises intéressées directement chez eux, pour l'instant en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Suisse.

With the new AMF Showmobile "Andreas", the long-established company is bringing its technologically leading clamping technology products and solutions directly to the customer.
There, decision-makers and users alike can experience live which tangible benefits can be achieved in production using modern clamping technology. Germany has a pilot function for the project. If it proves worthwhile, a rollout for further European markets is conceivable.
"With Andreas we go directly to existing and potential customers and show them what AMF has to offer at the place where they work and what makes our products and solutions so unique," explains Jürgen Förster.
"This concept gives us the greatest possible flexibility in terms of geography, space and time. At the same time, it enables us to reach out to different target groups in a focussed and individual manner apart from sales visits or at a trade fair," emphasises the Sales Manager of Germany at AMF.
Pick up customers where they work
New distribution channels are a major issue in production technology. The focus of the AMF considerations: The products are brought to the users. AMF is now implementing this in the form of a roadshow. In keeping with the motto "Andreas arrives" the concept is celebrating its premiere in South Germany, where the idea is attracting a great deal of interest. "The appointments for the first two weeks were quickly fully booked," says Erik Laubengeiger, AMF sales engineer for clamping technology.
The mobile showroom consists of a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter that has been specially designed. The visual appearance is based closely on the AMF trade fair concept and should make it more easily recognizable. The inside of the Showmobile is equipped like a market vehicle, except that instead there being fish, cheese or plants on the shelves, on the sales counter and in the drawers, there is modern workpiece clamping technology. Furthermore, innovative clamping technology can be experienced digitally on a 50" monitor.
There is Internet access as well and tablets and smartphones can be connected. The roof above the fold-out floor and attachable side panels protect against bad weather.
Personal discussion supplements Internet
With "Andreas arrives" AMF is pursuing another objective: Personal contact should supplement anonymous Internet research. "In numerous prior discussions we have spotted this desire for face-to-face advice," according to Förster. The fact that no costs are involved now for the customer and he simply needs to step outside the factory gate or office door to experience this is what makes the AMF concept so special. The program is coordinated by the AMF sales engineers who organise the appearances onsite also in collaboration with the dealers of the brand.
With the AMF Showmobile everything has come full circle: The company founder, Andreas Maier, previously brought his products to his customers in a trolley.